Welcome to School Athletics!
Our students learn much more than physical skills through their participation in athletics. The collaborative experience of pursuing and attaining a common goal in athletics is unique, as it is combined with interscholastic competition. We are proud of our winning tradition.
Through this experience, our students are able to develop courage as they take risks, strength while displaying finesse, competitive intensity while exhibiting generosity of spirit, and mental as well as physical endurance.
Homeschool: Mampu Bersaing dalam MHQ Amaliah Astra 2024
Bukti Nyata Kualitas Pendidikan Alternatif yang Tak Kalah dengan Sekolah Formal
Penerimaan Siswa Baru Ajaran 2025-2026
Homeshoolquran.com dengan penuh rasa syukur mengumumkan penerimaan siswa baru untuk tahun ajaran 2025-2026
Tips Menghafal Al Qur’an Ala Naja
LANGIT7.ID, Jakarta – Muhammad Naja Hudia Afifurrahman (13) merupakan anak ajaib. Bagaimana tidak, dengan kelumpuhan otak (cerebral palsy) yang dideritanya, dia mampu menghafal 30 juz Al-Qur’an. Tak hanya itu, dia juga hafal arti dan posisi seluruh ayat Al-Quran. Kini, Hafidz cilik itu bahkan sudah mulai menghafal hadits.
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Secondary School`s proud tradition of athletics is reflected in the beauty and function of its campus facilities, the Haraldur Athletic Complex and Hopkins Gymnasium.
Ford Athletic Field, complete with digital scoreboards, allows Athletics lacrosse, soccer, and softball teams to host games on regulation fields; CIF-SS regulation-sized Hopkins Gymnasium is home court for basketball and volleyball. Secondary school athletes also benefit from use of the Rosenbaum Family Weight Training Room, a facility designed specifically for our students.
Athletic Resources
School Athletic Trainer
John is a Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer, and Health and Safety Specialist offering a strong background in injury care, prevention, rehabilitation, health promotion and wellness. John has an enduring passion for continuous education and has intentionally engaged in various work experiences for a well-rounded scope on healthcare. John’s primary interests include nutrition and biomechanics, with a concentrated focus on improving performance.
For injury prevention, diagnosis, or treatment information, please email John at jappleseed@stylemixthemes.com.